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So, what is deconditioning in Human Design?

One crucial aspect of the Human Design system is deconditioning, a process that allows individuals to shed the societal and environmental conditioning that obscures their authentic nature. When I first started out on my Human Design journey, I found the concept of deconditioning quite confusing, so I wanted to explain it in a simple and easy to understand way.

So what is deconditioning? Deconditioning in Human Design refers to the process of unlearning and releasing the societal and environmental conditioning that has accumulated over your lifetime. This conditioning is a result of the expectations, beliefs, and behaviors that society and your environment have imposed on you. It often masks your authentic self, making it challenging to fully express your true nature and live in alignment with your purpose.

Deconditioning is a fundamental aspect of Human Design because it allows you to strip away the layers of societal influence and false beliefs that may be clouding your perception of self. Here are some key reasons why deconditioning is significant:

  1. Discovering Your True Self: Deconditioning empowers you to uncover your authentic self—the person you were meant to be before societal pressures and expectations took hold.

  2. Living in Alignment: As you shed layers of conditioning, you can more easily live in alignment with your unique design, making decisions that resonate with your inner truth.

  3. Improved Relationships: Deconditioning can lead to healthier and more authentic relationships because you're no longer projecting societal expectations onto others or allowing their conditioning to dictate your interactions.

  4. Enhanced Well-Being: By living authentically, you may experience increased emotional and mental well-being, as well as a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Now you understand the benefit of deconditioning, where do you begin? When you understand your unique Human Design, you will likely see very clearly places in your life where you’re not practicing your strategy and authority. In order to decondition, and essentially become the most authentic expression of yourself, you will need to start optimising your life to get into alignment. Ultimately, your strategy and authority will make the most impact of anything that you learn from your Human Design chart, and so start by trying to practice these every day and in every important decision that you make.

For example, let’s look at where you’re saying ‘yes’ when you really mean ‘no’ but past conditioning has made you feel fearful of saying no in case you offend someone. Your subconscious mind may have a program playing that if you offend someone, you may lose them as a friend and become isolated, and so the easiest thing to do is to people please and say yes, despite the fact that everything in your body is saying no.

Deconditioning in Human Design is a transformative process that can lead to a deeper understanding of your authentic self and a more fulfilling life. By shedding layers of societal conditioning and aligning with your unique design, you can embark on a journey towards self-discovery, purpose, and authenticity. Remember that deconditioning is a lifelong process, but each step brings you closer to living a life that reflects your true essence. Embrace the journey, and watch as your life unfolds in ways you never imagined possible!

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