Attention Manifestors: what to do when you’re feeling angry

In Human Design, each energy type has what is called a ‘not-self’ theme. The not-self is a helpful tell tale indicator that you have veered off track and are out of alignment with your soul’s path. For Manifestors, this feeling is anger!

Manifestors are the only energy type that can take action without the need to wait for an external signal. Manifestors make up around 8% of society and are the natural born leaders of the world!

When a Manifestor experiences anger, the key things for them to assess to try and get back into alignment are:

1) Where have they not been listening to the Manifestor strategy of ‘To Inform’. Being natural leaders, Manifestors do not need to wait for another being to initiate, they only need to inform others of their decision or action they are going to take. One of the biggest reasons for their anger is when they have not been clear in their intentions and they have been met with resistance or not been heard. It’s so important for Manifestors to use their voice!

2) Where have they been making decisions that are from a place of inauthenticity. Before a Manifestor takes action, they should consult their authority (e.g. Emotional, Ego, Splenic) and ensure the decision is energetically correct for them. Manifestors also get what are called ‘Manifestor Urges’ which again need to be listened to as the urge will always guide them in the right direction. When these internal guidance systems have been ignored, the Manifestor can experience anger as a result of making choices that are not optimal.

Anger is a great messenger to highlight where the Manifestor needs to do some self work and figure out where to tweak their behaviour in line with their strategy and authority ⚡

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