Attention Projectors: what to do when you’re feeling bitter!

In Human Design, each energy type has what is called a ‘not-self’ theme. The not-self is a helpful tell tale indicator that you have veered off track and are out of alignment with your soul’s path. For Projectors, that signal is bitterness!

Projectors are the guides of the world and they all have a strategy of ‘wait for the invitation’. This means that Projectors are most energetically aligned when they wait to be invited to share their unique gifts and wisdom⚡️So when Projectors are feeling bitter they need to suss out where they have not been waiting for the literal or energetic invitation.

The two main reasons I see Projectors experience bitterness are:

1) When they conjour up all their energy to advise someone or offer their wisdom to the world and it is not well received or they have been met with resistance. For example, their advice was rejected or not taken on board by a friend or family member and they felt their energy was wasted, or they are trying to sell their creations and their work is not being seen or valued by their audience.

2) A Projector has accepted invitations that aren’t aligned and don’t make them feel excited. Before accepting an invitation it’s helpful for a Projector to listen to their authority (e.g. Splenic, Emotional) to decide if the invitation is energetically right for them.

The Projector strategy of ‘wait for the invitation’ does not mean Projectors can’t create, but they need to create from a place of authenticity, feeling grounded in their own power so that others can see their wisdom and expertise shine through, and then offer an invitation accordingly. Projectors should endeavour not to create to people-please, or create for validation, as this is energetically incorrect. Projectors naturally have limited energy (being non-energy beings) and so need to use their valuable energy wisely ✨

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Attention Generators & Mani-Gens: what to do when you’re feeling frustrated!


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