Intuition In Human Design: How To Tap Into The Wisdom Of The Body

One of the amazing things about Human Design is that it teaches you how to tap into the wisdom of your body. Your body is always speaking to you and through your chart you can understand the unique ways in which your own body communicates and how you operate intuitively.

There are MANY signs and signals that your body shares with you when it wants to tell you something, with you but a few key ways that intuition shows up:

1. People with a Defined Sacral will get strong Gut Feelings. The sacral centre is located in the gut, and the gut response is very clear yes or no reaction from the body. For people with a Defined Sacral, listening to the gut is key to making decisions. The only energy types with a Defined Sacral are Generators or Manifesting Generators.

2. People with a Defined Spleen will naturally get Intuitive Whispers or Pings. The Spleen is the oldest and most primal awareness centre. The Spleen represents classic intuition and the interesting thing about the Spleen is that it only speaks once and does not repeat itself.

3. People with an Undefined Solar Plexus are often very Empathic and can strongly sense the emotional state of those around them. Those with an Undefined Solar Plexus are classed as ‘Non-Emotionals’ which mean that actually they take in a lot of emotional energy from the outside world, and are able to feel a lot. This often makes them Empaths which means that they have a special ability to feel the emotions of others, however, the most important thing to do is to ensure energetic hygiene by using your empathic abilities but not drowning yourself in others emotions, which can be extremely draining for the Non-Emotional.

It really is amazing to understand how much wisdom the body holds, and it’s wild to think how much emphasis we in general place on the mind, over the body, to make our decisions. Human Design teaches us to prioritise listening to the body over the mind, as the body always tells the truth.

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