Three Human Design Secrets For More Abundance

There are three simple Human Design hacks that you can practice that will ladder up to more abundance in your life:

1. Do what lights you up and unapologetically follow what sets your soul on fire! Your passions are there for a reason, they are showing you where your purpose is. When you are living life on purpose and in full authenticity, you will naturally attract abundance in effortless flow!

2. Learn to follow your intuition and the wisdom of your body over what your mind is telling you. Your intuition will never lie and it’ll always lead you in the right direction, the path that your soul came here to experience, with everything that you set out to achieve.

3. Begin your deconditioning journey to become your most authentic self. Use your Human Design chart as a map to understand who you came into this world to be and figure out how you may have been conditioned to be someone else. Everyone experiences conditioning, mostly from society, parents and peers, and this conditioning moulds you into being or behaving in a particular way that is not necessarily who you are at your core. The whole goal of Human Design is to unravel the layers to become your whole, worthy, authentic self. When you’re being your fully authentic self, that’s when things start to align and the magic begins!

Start practicing these hacks and see how your life begins to change :)

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If you need help decoding your chart, book a reading or order your personalised report here


Did you know you have a different Human Design chart in your sleep?!


Intuition In Human Design: How To Tap Into The Wisdom Of The Body